According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pharmacy Technicians hold one of the most popular occupations in healthcare, with both demand and employment increasing much faster than the average career, even inside the high-growth healthcare industry. With Pharmacy Technician employment expected to increase by a full 32 percent over the next decade, the career outlook is good for trained Pharmacy Techs.
Pharmacy Technician Schools is an up-to-date online resource for students and professionals in this fast-growing field. Here you can find Pharmacy Technician schools and training programs in your area to get your career off the ground, learn about certifications and registration to enhance your employability, or just research salary and employment figures, career descriptions and other information to decide if the field is right for you. Start by checking out our list of recommended pharmacy technician schools. Explore the site to find what you’re looking for.
Pharmacy Technician Education
Pharmacy Technician schools and degree programs are the most secure, affordable method of entering the Pharmaceutical field as a Pharmacy Technician. Since Pharmacy Techs often continue their education to become Pharmacists, the well-rounded education gained through a Pharmacy Technician school program provides a strong background to build from. In this section: Here you’ll find helpful information about Pharmacy Technician training, degrees and courses, as well as a list of top Pharmacy Technician schools for prospective students to explore.
Articles & Additional Information
Browse our catalogue of articles on Pharmacy Tech careers and education to get a better idea of what this exciting, popular field holds for you.In this section: See Pharmacy Tech demographics, see what a Pharmacy Tech training program is like, and find out if this is the career for you.
- Pharmacy Technician Demographics
- What is a Pharmacy Tech Training Program Like?
- Is a Pharmacy Technician Job for You?
- Additional Pharmacy Technician Career information can be found on the Allied Health Network website.
Pharmacy Technician Careers
According to the U.S. Dept. of Labor Statistics, Pharmacy Technicians are one of the most popular healthcare occupations of today, with more professionals entering the field than ever before. With increasing demand for medications, freedom to work in either medical or retail settings, & the potential to move into higher positions, Pharmacy Tech is one of the fastest growing areas of healthcare. In this section: Explore the unique career path of the Pharmacy Technician with salary figures, certification information, and descriptions of job duties and future career options for Pharmacy Technicians.